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Inspiration and work

Research and imagination

Always looking for connection. That typifies the work of visual artist and teacher of visual arts and design Derya Zenginoglu (1974). Connection between man and his environment, between art-technology-science-nature and the way they interact. Often these connections are not immediately visible. But they are there when we broaden our view, remain inquisitive and try to look at things with an open mind. The connections that then become visible are shown by Derya in her work. You could say that she makes the invisible visible. Research and imagination come together and laws of nature take forms that in turn transcend tangible reality.

Art and science

Derya likes to be inspired by scientists. In her work, she combines the microscopic world they explore, anatomical drawings and scientific analyses with her artistic universe. In this way, she brings together two seemingly different worlds. This leads to its own symbiosis, which in turn creates a new world. She creates installations in which she depicts mutations and experiments in science and technology. Examples include: Organs Lab, No body Chip Brain, Connected Brains, Mind Uploading, GE Trees Lab, Elixer, Multi Organ chip system and Micro-Macro, the interactive installation she made in collaboration with scientists from the University of Maastricht and the technological MERLN institute. All of these works provoke reflection on the far-reaching technologization, its impact on nature, and the blending of the two.

World in motion

Because of the interconnectedness of everything, the world is constantly in motion. In essence, change is our only certainty. Scientists have now demonstrated that living organisms emit invisible vibrations (using the optical nanomotion detection method). Without realizing it, we are constantly part of an ever-changing vibrational field. Derya’s works are an ongoing exploration of the interconnectedness between the microcosm – the human being –, the macrocosm – the universe – and the ways in which they influence each other.

Humans and nature

In addition to a fascination with science and technology, Darya also has a love of nature. With her nature installations she again tries to make us experience that every human being is connected to nature in a way that is not always directly measurable with our senses. Some of her installations are interactive, making the viewer part of the installation. Her work gives space to the wonder of what goes on in our relationship with the natural environment.geving.

Nano Renaissance

In addition to her work as a visual artist, Derya wrote the book Nano Renaissance, together with a biomedical scientist Prof. dr. Pamela Habibović – will be appointed Rector Magnificus and member of the Executive Board of Maastricht University in 2022. In it she describes what the collaboration between these two disciplines can mean. She believes that we can compare nanotechnology somewhat with medieval thinking, which – like nanotechnology – was mainly concerned with the world that is not visible to the naked eye. According to Derya, contemporary artists can make this invisible world visible and thus create, as it were, a new renaissance that can give contemporary people a more complete view of reality.mpleter beeld op de werkelijkheid kan geven.

CV Derya Zenginoglu

Discipline: Multidisciplinair Artist

Date of birth 1974 – lives in Hengelo, works in Amsterdam
Education 2004 – 2009 AKI ArtEZ (Fine Arts) Enschede
2009 – 2011 DBKV ArtEZ (Education in Arts) Zwolle

2014 First prize Tile award by Pier van Dijk / Hengelo
2014 Nomination new selection Visual Artists / Art Overijssel
2013 Nomination Self portrait Boijmans van Beuningen / Contemplation film
2006 Aki Artez Festival Cool Baroque / 1st prize photo contest


2024-2022 "Connected Brains - Nijmegen" HAN afdeling gebouw Biologie en Medisch Laboratoriumonderzoek in Nijmegen                            2024 Can Dostlarımız Cerrahpaşa Veteriner Fakültesi – İstanbul
2023 Cumhuriyet Kadın Devrimidir – İstanbul                            2022 Dünya Sanat Günü 10. Yılı – Edirne                                                     2022 "Connected Brains - Zwolle"- in galerie Het Langhuis in Zwolle
2022 "Dag van de Overwinning" - Istanbul
2022 Artists for Ukraine (benefietveiling) - Vendu Rotterdam
2022 10th Anniversary World Art Day - Edirne
2021 "RNA Interference" Achter de Basiliek in Hengelo
2021 Blast - The Holy Art in London
2021 "Sevdamız Sanat" in Istanbul
2021 Artist in the World - in Concordia Enschede
2021 International World Art Day - Trakya University in Trakya
2021 "Anamız, bacımız, eşimiz, kadınlarımız" Sanat Magazin Istanbul
2021 "Sevgiler hiç bitmesin" Istanbul Sanat Magazin in Istanbul
2021 Dörtmevsim Sanat Alaçatı - İzmir
2020 Project "Kunstenaars geven Oksijen" - World 
2020 Groepsexpo DivCult in Hengelo
2020 "Kışa Merhaba" Istanbul Sanat Magazin in Istanbul
2020 "Cumhuriyetimiz" Istanbul Sanat Magazin in Istanbul
2020 “10 Kasım ve Atatürk” Istanbul Sanat Magazin in Istanbul
2020 "Atam" Istanbul Sanat Magazin in Istanbul
2020 "Yaza Veda" Istanbul Sanat Magazin in Istanbul
2020 Collectie ‘Portable Molecules" galerie Beeld&Aambeeld-Enschede
2020 Expositie "Temmuz esintisi" Istanbul Sanat Magazin in Istanbul
2020 Presentatie en interview in Schouwburg / Hengelo
2019 Connected Brains – Istanbul 34
2019 Project Op Bezoek in Hengelo
2019 5e Biënnale Kunst aan de Kade in Delft
2019 Future Brain in Heartgallery Stadskamer in Hengelo
2019 Grenzgänger-Grensgangers Nordhorner Kreishaus in Nordhorn
2019 Hengelo ToonT3 Heart Gallery in Hengelo
2019 Grenzgänger-Grensgangers Zaal Zuid in Hengelo
2018 Project Gewagt in Nordhorn
2018 Radio Hengelo TV zie de Vensters in Hengelo
2018 Kunst in de Etalage in Oldenzaal
2017 Sporen van A93 Heart Gallery in Hengelo
2017 “Vuur” Duotone in Hengelo
2017 Art Overijssel “Art Overijssel Proof” Hart Gallery in Hengelo
2017 BAFFestival Arcadië Kloster Bentlage in Rheine Duitsland
2017 Het Beddenpaleis Startion in Hengelo
2017 Hengelo ToonT2 Haertgallery in Hengelo
2016 Boek uitgegeven Nano-Renaissance
2016 Wederopbouw 2.0 in Hengelo
2015 Het Kunst-torentje in Almelo
2015 Art Overijssel in Tetem kunstruimte in Enschede
2015 Vincent 2.0 Van Gogh Kerk in Etten-Leur
2015 Groepsexpositie Waterschapshuis Vechtstromen in Coevorden
2015 Vincent 2.0 Van Gogh Huis in Drenthe in Nieuw Amsterdam
2015 Studium Generale Saixon in Enschede
2015 Bestuursgebouw Universiteit Maastricht in Maastricht
2015 MESA+Institute for Nanotechnology University of Twente
2015 Elixer Boekhandel Broekhuis in Enschede
2014 “Organs Lab” Faculty club Universiteit van Twente Enschede
2014 Qua Art Qua Science kunstproject kunstenaar en wetenschapper
2014 In het Volkspark Galerie Qua Art Qua Science Enschede
2014 “Organs Lab” Galerie “Klopjeswoning” Borne
2013 Kopenhagen Hilton Airport hotel
2013 Amsterdam Hilton Airport hotel Schiphol
2013 Kunstmoment Diepenheim
2013 Kunstproject Plaatsbepaling Hengelo Biënnale in Hengelo
2013 "Pilaarheiligenproject" De kracht van Soberheid Hengelo
2012 Stichting Ateliers ’93 Kunstproject “De Ingreep”
2012 Fresh Art to Go, Tetem kunstruimte in Enschede
2011 Factory Pet in Creatieve Fabriek Hengelo
2011 Hengelo open Fabrieksexpositie 2011 in Creatieve Fabriek
2011 Kunstproject (o)gen Blikken 47 Hengelose kunstenaars Hengelo
2010 Kunstproject stilleven Hengelo
2010 Kunstproject met de voet getreden bevrijdingsfestival Zwolle
2009 Twente Biënnale in Hengelo
2009 Solo expositie Tarsus-project Galerie Artistiek Hengelo
2009 Aki- Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten eindexamenexpositie
2009 Koetshuis expositie “Women” Borne
2009 Hedendaagse Museum MHHK van gemeente Hengelo
2009 Kunstproject Tibetaanse vlaggen voor basisschool in Borne
2008 Kunstproject Tarsus
2008 Groepsexpositie bestuursleden Stichting Ag in Hengelo
2007 De Mensbeeld solo expositie studenten Aki in Balengebouw Enschede
2006 - 2010 In het bestuur van Stichting Beeldende Kunst Ag
2006 Workshop Tekenen en Schilderen bij Dikkershoes / Mediant
2005 - 2006 Verhalenproject Enschede bruist, gemeente Enschede
2005 Kunst en Cultuurdag in Delden
2004 Expositie Internationale Vrouwencentrum in Hengelo
2004 - 2006 Werken in het Atelier van een docent in Ruimtelijke Vormgeving
2004 Kunstproject “de wensboom”
2004 - 2007 In het bestuur van Kunst en Cultuur commissie Tuindorp ‘t Lansink


2024 Dagblad Tubantia groepstentoonstelling Qua art-Qua Science 20 jaar
2022 “Connected Brains – Nijmegen HAN” HAN Department of Biology and Medical Laboratory Research building in Nijmegen
2022 Salland over “Connected Brains – Zwolle – Galerie Het Langhuis in Zwolle 2022 Sanat-magazin Istanbul over Dünya Sanat sergisi
2021 Dagblad Tubantia over project “Kunstenaars geven Oksijen”
2021 Turzim Aktuel magazin over Dörtmevsim Sanat Alaçatı
2020 Dagblad Tubantia over expositie DivCult in Hengelo
2020 “Temmuz Esintisi” Istanbul Sanat Magazin in Istanbul
2020 Dagblad Tubantia over interview Schouwburg in Hengelo
2020 Hengelo ’s weekblad over interview Schouwburg in Hengelo
2019 Nationale Krant Vatan (Turkije) sanat hakkinda (onder Kunstnieuws)
2019 Istanbul Sanat Magazine (Magazine over Kunst) Istanbul
2019 Kultur Sanat dergisi (kunsttijdschrift) Istanbul
2019 Hengelo’s Weekblad Future Brain in Heartgallery Stadskamer in Hengelo
2019 Hengelo promotie over Future Brain in Heartgallery
2018 Radio Hengelo TV over Connected Brains
2017 Dagblad Tubantia over Art Overijssel Proof
2016 Dagblad Tubantia over uitgegeven boek Nano-Renaissance
2016 Hengelo’s Dagblad over Wederopbouw 2.0 in Hengelo
2015 Blad Universiteit Maastricht PAS – Parcours of Art & Science
2015 Observant Onafhankelijk Dagblad van Universiteit Maastricht
2015 Kunstnonstop actuele kunst & kunstcollectie Enschede
2015 Radio TV Oost over kunstproject Micro-Macro
2014 De Roskam, Onafhankelijk Weekblad voor Twente, “Organs Lab” Borne
2014 Hengelo’s Weekkrant “Organs Lab” Borne
2014 Hengelo Journaal “Organs Lab” Borne
2013 De Roskam, Onafhankelijk Weekblad voor Twente, Plaatsbepaling Hengelo Biënnale
2013 Dagblad Tubantie, over Kunstproject Plaatsbepaling Hengelo Biënnale
2013 De Roskam, Onafhankelijk Weekblad voor Twente, “Pilaarheiligenproject”
2013 Dagblad Tubantia, over Kunstproject “Pilaarheiligenproject”
2012 Kunstnieuws over Kunstproject De Nissen van Stork-Siemens
2012 Weekkrant Hengelo, over Kunstproject De Nissen van Stork-Siemens
2012 Dagblad Tubantia, kunstproject Atelier ‘93
2012 Kunstnieuws over Kunstproject Tetem
2012 Dagblad Tubantia, over Kunstproject Tetem
2009 Weekkrant Enschede, over expositie Aki
2009 Weekkrant Hengelo, over expositie Koetshuis
2009 Dagblad Tubantia, over expositie Koetshuis
2008 Radio Oost, over Kunstproject Tarsus, Hengelo vice versa Tarsus
2008 Weekkrant Hengelo, over Kunstproject Tarsus
2008 Dagblad Tubantia, over Kunstproject Tarsus
2007 Bornse krant, over expositie Borne
2007 Dagblad Tubantia, over expositie Borne
2006 Dagblad Tubantia zondag editie, over stem van de kunst
2004 Deldens Weekblad, over expositie ’t Lansink
2004 Hengelo’s Weekblad, over expositie ‘t Lansink
2004 Dagblad Tubantia, over expositie ’t Lansink